The archives of official records

The best proof of the relevance of the notarial institution over time in Catalonia is, maybe, the over fourth of million registrations and official records forming the notarial historical collections. The most ancient known up today’s date if from 1221 and several thousands of volumes pertain to the Middle ages. These figures are even more significant if we bear in mind that it was not until the 70s of the XIXth century that, for the first time the archives of the official records of each notarial district were gathered.


The archives of official records
A basic bibliography that allows to become familiar with different aspects related to the archives and collections of notarial official records, from the history of their formation to the most suitable archival description.





The notarial official record
Selected listing of titles that handle the genesis, typology and extent of the notarial books since the origins in the XIIIth century until the most recent historical official record. As for their profitable use for the research, the thematic bibliography available in resources can be consulted.