
The historical interest of the official records of over one hundred years was legally acknowledged by means of the Royal Order from the Ministry of Reprieval and Justice dated 22 May 1914. Since then, the access to these notarial registers with the aim of cultural research has been a right for the citizens that the Notarial Association of Catalonia has always guaranteed for the several century-old collections of the district of Barcelona.

Faithfull to this tradition, the AHPB offers in this section the tools to facilitate the consultation of the documentation of which it has the custody and to boost the research. If you are performing your first research, we recommend you the subsection How to start (were you will find a series of tutorials and resources that will assist you to start with more assurance). If you wish to take a quick look to the main types of collections and their extreme dates, go directly to The collections. Last, in The instruments of description you have available the inventories and catalogues that can be consulted on line drawn up by the technical staff of the archive.