Ars Notariae

The specialised literature dedicated to solving as well theoretical as practical problems of the notarial discipline, initiated by the Bolognese masters in the XIIIth century, receives the name of Ars notariae. The AHPB, as a section of the Notarial Association of Catalonia, which is in charge of having care of its historical documentary heritage, seeks likewise to disseminate the historical and cultural value that along the History the Notaries had, and specially the Catalan case, as well as to provide the user with a more accurate knowledge of its most significant technical elements. Turning back then to the spirit of those notarial treaties, we divided our particular Ars notariae into four subsections.


The notarial institution is focused in the origins and evolution of the character of the notary as a public commissioner of oaths (background, geographical scopes, social context, requirements or access to the profession).

The notarial corporation has as object to review the collegiate feature of the notaries: the first societates, the collegia of the late Middle ages and of the Modern age, the evolution parallel to the changes of regime, the conflicts between different bodies.

The archives of official records deals with the history of the notarial books (concept, origins, types) and of the historical archives of official records (formation, regulatory framework, most significant data).

Notarial diplomatics, last, it will analyse the main types of notarial documents from the diplomatics perspective. The objective is to assist the user to identify the different instruments that he/she will be consulting and that he/she can fully take profit from his/her research.